When I started playing with shibori dying, especially arashi pole-wraps, I discovered that silk scarves are the perfect thing to play with - a long rectangle is the perfect shape, and a scarf can have a lot louder pattern than a whole garment. But once I made a few, I discovered that I don't really know how to wear them. So I've collected a set of links here to remind me, once I have to time to play with dye again.
For credit purposes, I should note that these came from Academic Chic's bibliography. I picked out the ones I like, and I'm basically saving them here for my reference.
French Twist. Not sure how this would actually look, but it looks interesting enough to try.
Twisted pashmina: I have to think this would work just as well with a nice long silk scarf, just ending up a bit thinner.
And a variety of cool scarf ties.
And a quick note - yeah, I haven't posted anything in quite a while. There's less than one month till my PhD defense, so time to blog is not exactly a thing I have. Unless, as today, I'm waiting while my experiment runs. Come June, I plan on actually using some of the masses of fabric I've been stocking up on.
Free Pattern Friday: Duffle Bag
1 week ago