Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What's in a name?

So I'm thinking it may be time to switch up the ole blog name. When I started/named this blog years ago, my main hobbies were (watching) sports and gardening. So, Garden of Fenway seemed appropriate. Then of course I posted about three times and stopped.* Now, I've actually managed to keep up with a pseudo sewing blog, which is progress, but the name is too unrelated.

* As I did with my attempt at a wedding blog and a conversion blog. See a pattern?

So the new plan is to come up with an entirely unrelated-to-anything name, so I can just write about whatever I happen to be interested in. Ideally, said name will come along with a handle I can use in various online communities, so I don't have to worry about hatsforbats** being taken. Also, if I ever do start an etsy store,*** it can serve as the store name.

** The problem with a clever movie quote is that you aren't the only one who thinks it's clever.

*** The current plan is to (someday) sell shibori silk scarves, since they're so fun to make but I have no justification to spend the money on supplies.

So, what name to pick? I'm thinking something related to electromagnetics or MRI, since that's what my thesis is about and what my academic interest is in general, but certainly not something I'll blog about. A way to tie together my work and my hobbies, if you will. So for now, a brain dump of words/phrases that interest me:

Circularly polarized
Left-handed precession
Tesla, Gauss/Gaussian

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