Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Hanukkah!

Chanukah Sameach!

I know we only give gifts on Hanukkah because it falls near Christmas, and Purim is really the more appropriate holiday for gifts. That doesn't stop me from enjoying my gifts!

My dear fiance gave me spring-loaded Gingher scissors. My first Ginghers! I need to start a new project now so I can use them. His parents also gave me a straight-stitch foot so I can sew more delicate fabrics and not jam up the machine.

I got a surprise present too: I won Victoria's giveaway at Ten Thousand Hours of Sewing! I won the Better Homes and Gardens Pattern Adjustments book, which is excellent because it's the book that motivated me to enter her giveaway:) I keep trying to fit at the end of the process and it always ends up hacked. It'll be great to learn how to do it right.

And now I'm off to warm Hawaii. Hopefully when I get back I'll have a book and a Pendrell pattern waiting for me! The hardest part of the vacation will be deciding if I want to do Tasia's Pendrell sewalong or Sunni's trouser sewalong in January. Maybe both?

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